
Journalists Try Out MGS5:The Phantom Pain and Give Their Opinions About It

SPOILER ALERT: Proceed On Reading The Gameinformer Article Below At Your Own Responsability - The Phantom Pain's has several suprises that can be ruined, and that we could never think about just by looking at GamesCon, E3, or TGS trailers.
-Once again KONAMI succeeded on spoiling the next MGS5 game like it did with Ground Zeroes - when MGS5: Ground Zeroes came out, everyone already knew what to do and where to go - no wonder


Hideo Kojima apresenta: Quiet, a Atiradora Furtiva com Mamas Fofinhas!

Quiet, personagem do próximo Metal Gear Solid 5, The Phantom Pain (tradução: A Dor Fantasma) é uma atiradora furtiva altamente letal quando vestida apenas com a sua roupa interior.
Mas existe uma razão para que isso aconteça, isto é, para ela andar sempre vestida com roupinhas de praia.

Hoje, o Hideo Kojima "tweetou" fotos da Quiet como figura de acção (boneco real) e ainda escreveu: "Yoji,

Hideo Kojima presents Quiet's Metal Gear Figure with Squishy boobs

She's arriving with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and she's a deadly sniper in her underwear, but there’s gotta be a suitable reason for this character’s sexy outfit, right?

Today, MGS creator Hideo Kojima tweeted photos of the upcoming Quiet action figure from the Play Arts Kai line. And he wrote: